This Privacy Policy applies to all information collected by CouchQuiz on iPad, iPhone & Apple TV.
CouchQuiz doesn't require you to authenticate to create a profile. We store your in game name and avatar in order to share it with the host app.
We use the information we collect to operate and improve CouchQuiz.
We do not share personal information with outside parties aside from those needed to accomplish CouchQuiz's functionality. We share anonymous usage data with outside parties to improve the app.
All communication from the app to backend services is done using HTTPS.
You may access or change your information or delete your account within the CouchQuiz app.
Deleted data may be kept in backups for up-to 30 days. Backups are encrypted and only accessed if needed for disaster recovery.
By using CouchQuiz app, you consent to our privacy policy.
We never collect or maintain information at our website from those we actually know are under 13, and no part of our app is structured to attract anyone under 13.
We comply with the California Online Privacy Protection Act. We therefore will not distribute your personal information to outside parties without your consent.
If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will include those changes on this page.
If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy, you can email